Sunday, October 25, 2009

Handsome Boy

I don't talk about my little boy as much as my precious baby girl but I caught a few pics. of him outside on this beautiful day today! He is a sweet baby. It is just those 2 and 3 a.m. wake ups that I don't enjoy but am sure I will be used to sooner than later! Enjoy!

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kidney Stones and Ricebird Homecoming

Last Tuesday I went to the ER AGAIN. This time...Kidney Stones. I love being pregnant and knowing that there is going to be a precious life at the end of it but it is really starting to bring me down. I don't know if I can take much more pain. The pain of a kidney stone is no joke. Trust me, I have never had one before and I DONT EVER WANT ONE AGAIN!!! I imagine labor to be much easier than that! Good news is that I am feeling great as of right now and am really chomping at the bit to get Brogan's room completed.
On a side note, Gere marched in his first parade this last weekend. It was the Homecoming Parade in Stuttgart. He did so good and I am so proud of him! He is an excellent Drummer!!!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

28 Weeks and Counting

So I am 28 weeks pregnant and doing great. The only issue I seem to be having right now is Gestational Diabetes which I have an appt. with a Dietician on Monday to see about controlling. Brogan's room is coming along nicely. My mom, dad, and stepmom came a few weeks ago and painted and started putting up the bead board. They are coming back this weekend to finish. I am extremely excited about this. I will be in Memphis while they are here, so I get to come home to a finished bed room which pumps me up! Bucher and I are going to see my favorite band Wilco. The crib came in yesterday but we can't set it up until the room is finished.
We have taken two classes so far...Child Birth and Infant/Child CPR and have two more coming up within the next two weeks...Breastfeeding and Infant care. So far they have been very informative and I am looking forward to the others to come.
My mom is getting married next Thursday. I am very happy for her as she has been waiting for Mr. right for a long time and I think she finally found him! Welcome to the family Dave. I will post some pics. as soon as I get some!
I think that's it for now but there is so much that is going to be happening in the next few weeks, that I can't stay away too long.

Here a few before pics. of Brogan's Room

And here are few pics. of the partially finished room ( The pics. didn't turn out very well but you get the idea).