Tuesday, November 24, 2009

35 Weeks

Update: Went to the Dr. today for my first of my weekly visits and my first pelvic exam which they don't tell you "Hurts Like Hell"!!! Good news is that I am progressing on schedule. I am a "fingertip dilated" and "halfway thinned out". We are getting really excited although I think I am stressing out way more than I should but it will all work out just fine. Here is a pic. from 34 weeks. We are so close baby girl, we can't wait to meet you, Mommy and Daddy love you so much already!!!

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Almost There

Okay, Here are a few more pics of my little girls room!!! It is almost there just a few more things to add to the room!!! We are getting so close, only 6 more weeks and we absolutely can't wait!!! You will be here soon in our arms our precious little girl!!