Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kidney Stones and Ricebird Homecoming

Last Tuesday I went to the ER AGAIN. This time...Kidney Stones. I love being pregnant and knowing that there is going to be a precious life at the end of it but it is really starting to bring me down. I don't know if I can take much more pain. The pain of a kidney stone is no joke. Trust me, I have never had one before and I DONT EVER WANT ONE AGAIN!!! I imagine labor to be much easier than that! Good news is that I am feeling great as of right now and am really chomping at the bit to get Brogan's room completed.
On a side note, Gere marched in his first parade this last weekend. It was the Homecoming Parade in Stuttgart. He did so good and I am so proud of him! He is an excellent Drummer!!!

1 comment:

john, julia, and annie said...

Sorry about the stones Ashli!
Wanted to let you know, I've been through labor pains and kidney stone within 2 months of each other and they are comparable. Wish I could say labor hurt less, but afraid I can't! But no worries, there are epidurals for labor!! :) Love you!