Monday, October 6, 2008

So Many Updates, So Little Time

Okay, for starters, The Cubs lost. I'm sure this is not surprising to most but it is to me since I totally thought this was our year! It is really devastating...I cried. But I must move on. And then I remember, "There's always next year"!

Next, my friend Kelly is in Vietnam getting her son as we speak! I am super stoked about this since I have been with her thru the whole process. It has been a long one, trust me, more for her than all of us but we are excited and she is so deserving of him. She is going to be a great mom!

Now, I don't think I mentioned earlier that Stuart got stuck in a tree about a month ago. He was still really small and I had to get the ladder to rescue him, but only after I took a few photos, It was a scrapbook page waiting to happen! Here are a couple of the pictures that I got.

I like how he is totally looking at me like mom, please get me down from here!!!

Last, but certainly not least, My little girl went to the beauty shop and got a haircut and bath. Here are a few pictures of her. She totally hated the bow and pretty much didn't feel like getting her photo taken. 

So, I thought I was done. But I remembered I also took this really cute photo of them looking out the window together. They do this often, normally when I leave so they can watch me drive away or wait for me to come home. Aren't they the cutest???

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